Mid last year, I spent a weekend looking into what testing tools were out there and if/how they supported mobile. I planned to take the research and turn it into something (perhaps at automate.qa, a domain I’d picked up) but never blocked some time to do so. Instead, this post contains the list as I had it back then.

Bear in mind I originally collected these as quick notes to myself, without intention to publish them as is. I think they’re helpful as a loose survey of what’s available tool-wise, but less so as an exact description of any specific tool.

Browser and Native Testing

Sikuli | SikuliX - http://www.sikuli.org | http://www.sikulix.com

Applitool eyes - http://applitools.com

eggPlant - http://www.testplant.com/eggplant/

Keynote - http://www.keynote.com/solutions/testing/mobile-testing

Expirtest SeeTestAutomation - http://www.experitest.com/automation/

Selenium/Appium - http://www.seleniumhq.org / www.appium.io

Calabash - http://calaba.sh/

AppThwack - http://www.appthwack.com

TestObject - https://testobject.com/

Mobitaz - http://www.msys-tech.com/mobitaz/ and PDF

Scirocco cloud - http://www.scirocco-cloud.com/

Perfecto MobileCloud - http://www.perfectomobile.com/

Jamo M-eux (Mobile End User Experience) - http://jamosolutions.com/

Ranorex - http://www.ranorex.com

TestComplete - http://smartbear.com/

Telerik Test Studio - www.telerik.com/mobile-testing

MonkeyTalk - https://www.cloudmonkeymobile.com

Browser Testing

Testomato - http://www.testomato.com/

Ghost Inspector - https://ghostinspector.com/

Fake - http://www.fakeapp.com

SahiPro - http://www.sahipro.com

Wetator - http://www.wetator.org/

Ghostlab - http://www.vanamco.com/ghostlab/

Browserling - http://www.browserling.com

BrowserStack - http://www.browserstack.com

Spoonium - http://www.spoonium.net

Browser Studio - http://www.browserstudio.com

TestingBot - http://www.testingbot.com

Adobe Edge Inspect - http://creative.adobe.com/products/inspect

SauceLabs - https://saucelabs.com/

Android Testing (Coding)

Android JUnit - http://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html

UIAutomator - http://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_ui.html

Robotium - https://code.google.com/p/robotium/

Expresso - https://code.google.com/p/android-test-kit/wiki/Espresso

iOS Testing (Coding)

XCTest - http://developer.apple.com

FBSnapshotTestCase - https://github.com/facebook/ios-snapshot-test-case

KIF Keep It Functional - https://github.com/kif-framework/KIF

Apple UI Automation Javascript Library - http://developer.apple.com

Frank - http://www.testingwithfrank.com/